Harvest Swap - Sunshine Coast

Harvest Swap – Sunshine Coast is a monthly gathering for swapping excess homegrown / homemade produce. Items may include veggies, herbs, fruit, eggs, seedlings & seeds, worm juice, preserves etc.

622 Diddillibah Road, Diddillibah QLD 4560 (In the park beside Diddillibah Hall) Diddillibah QLD 4559 0419 737 563

What's it all about?

Harvest Swap – Sunshine Coast is a monthly gathering for swapping excess homegrown produce. Items include vegetables, herbs, fruit, eggs, seedlings & seeds, worm juice, preserves and homebaked / homemade goods.

Whether you've got a large garden with lots of excess produce or just some herbs in pots sitting on your balcony... Come and swap! Recipes, advice and skills are also welcome. :)

The Harvest Swap is a money-free honesty system where we simply ‘swap’ our excess homegrown produce with each other. You bring your produce and then ‘shop’ from the table of goodies left by others. It’s an honesty system where the exchange should be fair… E.g lemons for cucumbers, eggs for seedlings.

The purpose of the Harvest swap is to share homegrown food, create friendships, share knowledge and inspiration, reduce waste and to encourage eating seasonal, locally produced food… Always the most delicious!

One Sunday each month (generally the last Sunday but monthly dates are confirmed on this page). From 10am – 11am.

Diddillibah Reserve (Beside Diddillibah Community Hall)*
622 Diddillibah Road, Diddillibah QLD 4560

* Please note that this reserve / playground does not seem to be listed in Google Maps so it can be a bit tricky to find if you're not familiar with the area. Best option is to search for the address, and when you see a cute little Hall, Harvest Swap is in the park to the left of the Hall... Or call Leonie on 0419 737 563!

This is a park and playground so feel free to bring the kids!

Related Keywords: harvest swap food swap food exchange food co-op


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